August 19, 2009

Random stuff

  • Mariachi and I are totally into the TV show "Weeds". So into it that we watched 4.5 seasons in 2 weeks. My only relief is that they are only 28 min. long each (episodes not seasons). The first 3 seasons were the best.
  • I love my travel hoop that I got from It's so much fun hooping! And good for your abs and back, too. :)
  • I lost 4 lbs. in a month and don't look like I'm pregnant anymore. Now if I could only lose 4 more...
  • It's been so hot here the last few days yet I managed to get some kind of stomach flu or cold or something. I suspect the pool might be to blame. I feel much better today, though.
  • In a weird way, I want it to be fall already.
  • I suspect I might be the only person who thought all the butter in Julie&Julia was gross rather than yummy. I like butter, but not a whole pan of it I guess. I am sure the food was delicious though.
  • I might be making "bœuf bourguignon" as per Mariachi's day...
  • I am thinking of fantasizing about knitting a pencil skirt. That would be so warm and so much fun to wear...Maybe a maroon or deep burgundy color...Oh yeah...Should be easy on circular needles (I hope).
  • I have an "herb garden" out in the balcony...It has mint, parsley, basil, lavender, oregano, and rosemary. Except for the lavender (which refuses to flower...but maybe I can use the leaves) I use them all regularly, and that makes me feel so good for some reason.
  • Because of all the fascination with hand-made/home grown stuff, I sometimes feel like I live in the wrong era. I would have loved to have sheep that I can shear, make all the wool into roving, spin it, dye it, etc...I would have loved to lead a self-sustaining kind of life.
  • But I love city life at the same time, and realized how much I missed it after I arrived in Montreal. You get exposed to so much stuff just by being here. So if I can't have the farm, I don't want anything in between. It has to be big and noisy...LOL. And I am trying to find ways to be self sustaining in a city, which is a challenge I like.
  • Mariachi is obsessed with the new iPhone 3GS. They're out of stock in all the stores. This gives us a little more time to humanly converse when we're out. After that, it'll be like carrying a mini laptop with us. I find it annoying. Is there something wrong with me?
  • I wish someone would offer me a job without applying. My fantasies have no boundaries.
  • If you coat tofu in corn starch before frying it, it becomes so crunchy and delicious. I just learnt this a few days ago.
  • I found myself spelling "harbor" as "harbour" the other day. How quickly our brains adapt to new things. I have no clue how it happened, but it just happened.
  • I think trying to write a blog every day will be a fun challenge.

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