July 13, 2011

Why is my blog sitting so narrowly in the middle of the screen? I've played with the "edit HTML" settings to see if I can make the margins a bit wider but it ended up looking weird. I think it would be nice if I could use more of the page, I just need to figure out what dimensions work best I guess.

July 12, 2011

Time slips from my hands...Wow, I cannot believe it's been so long since I last blogged. Can I not stick with anything? I don't understand why I have to be so overwhelmed all the time that I abandon everything and suddenly all's about work and there's no room for play. OK, I exaggerate, there's room for play, but some things are much more fun than sitting on a desk typing away (which is something I do a lot of during the day anyway), especially now that it's summer and hot outside, and, well, Montreal has too much going on.

On a different note, an MRI last week revealed thinning cartilage under my kneecap, the reason for the debilitating chronic pain I've had to endure for a very long time now. I'm on prescription anti-inflammatory/pain killer meds and started physical therapy. So far so good, pain is under control, knee is still "clicking and catching" but will hopefully improve. Apparently cartilage does not grow back, so this will be a lifelong battle between me and the cartilage, one that I'm hoping not to lose at least before...Well I don't know, an old age when I won't need my knee anymore...120 maybe?

Good things are bound to happen before the end of the year. Exciting plans for the next few months are on the table. I cannot believe it's already July, and we're more than halfway through 2011. Gotta make every day count! Leaving you with beautiful Montreal type summery delicious pictures for now...I will be back...