August 28, 2009

I registered for an intensive French course at the university. It's from 9 am to 3 pm every weekday for six weeks. I am so excited! YAY! The class begins on Sept. 13. I will have to take a placement test before then. Did I mention I am so excited? :))

August 27, 2009

Tales of Monkey Island...I am fantasizing about installing and playing it. I think I need to wait until we can get a new desktop computer, though, not sure if the "old" laptops will cut it.

If you're a Guybrush fan, then The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition is out, too. It's pretty cool, they re-rendered the graphics and did a voice-over, and the music of course. The graphics kind of remind me of MI 3, which is my favorite in the series.

Nobody can claim they're a video game veteran unless they've played the Monkey Island game. It's a classic. (Or should I say they're all classics?)

August 24, 2009

Be careful what you say or write, people.
This weekend just flew by...

August 22, 2009

well...I guess this is going to be my post today. Had a very nice day with Mariachi, reorganizing the living room. It looks much better now.

August 21, 2009


I just saw a man crossing the street and peeing at the same time! People were stopping to look at him but he just didn't seem to care. It was funny and weird at the same time.

August 20, 2009

Only 3 hours left for today to end, and I have nothing interesting to report...Actually I do have a lot of things I want to write about, but not tonight I guess, I'm not in the mood.

I've had this weird pain in my right leg for a while (I mean for at least a year regularly, and sporadically for maybe about 2-3 years), it seemed to come and go and I never thought anything of it, but it feels like it's stayed forever this time. It's in my knee, hip and big toe at the same time. I can barely walk in the mornings, then it sort of gets better. It still hurts, but it's not stiff, and it's mostly my foot/big toe/ball of foot that hurts. I jacked this ankle up really bad a few times in the past, and now I am wondering if it has anything to do with that. I also used to have these weird warm feelings in my leg, like someone was pouring hot water inside my leg or some kind of weird tingly feeling which I know is something to do with the nerves, but that hasn't happened for the past 8 months or so. I know I should stop being stubborn and go see a doctor. I thought maybe it would go away on it's own, but it looks like it's here to stay.

Reading stuff on the internet about your symptoms is pretty scary by the way. I could have a whole lot of conditions ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to a herniated disc. Or maybe nothing at all...

Yeah, see, when I said I'd blog everyday, I never said I'd write about cool interesting stuff. My life is so lame. :)

August 19, 2009

Random stuff

  • Mariachi and I are totally into the TV show "Weeds". So into it that we watched 4.5 seasons in 2 weeks. My only relief is that they are only 28 min. long each (episodes not seasons). The first 3 seasons were the best.
  • I love my travel hoop that I got from It's so much fun hooping! And good for your abs and back, too. :)
  • I lost 4 lbs. in a month and don't look like I'm pregnant anymore. Now if I could only lose 4 more...
  • It's been so hot here the last few days yet I managed to get some kind of stomach flu or cold or something. I suspect the pool might be to blame. I feel much better today, though.
  • In a weird way, I want it to be fall already.
  • I suspect I might be the only person who thought all the butter in Julie&Julia was gross rather than yummy. I like butter, but not a whole pan of it I guess. I am sure the food was delicious though.
  • I might be making "bœuf bourguignon" as per Mariachi's day...
  • I am thinking of fantasizing about knitting a pencil skirt. That would be so warm and so much fun to wear...Maybe a maroon or deep burgundy color...Oh yeah...Should be easy on circular needles (I hope).
  • I have an "herb garden" out in the balcony...It has mint, parsley, basil, lavender, oregano, and rosemary. Except for the lavender (which refuses to flower...but maybe I can use the leaves) I use them all regularly, and that makes me feel so good for some reason.
  • Because of all the fascination with hand-made/home grown stuff, I sometimes feel like I live in the wrong era. I would have loved to have sheep that I can shear, make all the wool into roving, spin it, dye it, etc...I would have loved to lead a self-sustaining kind of life.
  • But I love city life at the same time, and realized how much I missed it after I arrived in Montreal. You get exposed to so much stuff just by being here. So if I can't have the farm, I don't want anything in between. It has to be big and noisy...LOL. And I am trying to find ways to be self sustaining in a city, which is a challenge I like.
  • Mariachi is obsessed with the new iPhone 3GS. They're out of stock in all the stores. This gives us a little more time to humanly converse when we're out. After that, it'll be like carrying a mini laptop with us. I find it annoying. Is there something wrong with me?
  • I wish someone would offer me a job without applying. My fantasies have no boundaries.
  • If you coat tofu in corn starch before frying it, it becomes so crunchy and delicious. I just learnt this a few days ago.
  • I found myself spelling "harbor" as "harbour" the other day. How quickly our brains adapt to new things. I have no clue how it happened, but it just happened.
  • I think trying to write a blog every day will be a fun challenge.

August 18, 2009

Why do I have a blog if I won't write???

Apparently I suck at this blogging thing. I have decided to keep myself accountable from now on. I want to write, I really do...

So here I am, pledging to publish a blog everyday, no matter how mundane and stupid my posts may be. Even if it's only a few words. Maybe the whole process will lead to some kind of weird self-enlightenment, or magically reveal what I really want to be when I grow up. (Probably not, but hey, it's worth a shot...)