July 17, 2007

Kitchen adventure

I really like cooking and eating at home (especially when I have the time for it), but I think this past Sunday was my first "real" attempt at cooking something that required a lot of effort by myself- and the results were not that bad...

Yours truly cooked what you see here on the left from scratch, rolling out the the dough and everything. It's much like ravioli, with the dough filled with meat inside, boiled and topped with garlic yogurt and a mixture of burnt oil and pepper. It's a Turkish dish called 'manti".(umm yeah...yogurt with garlic, you heard that right! hehe). :) I think it turned out alright cause my boyfriend gulped it down and went for seconds. I toiled away for about 2.5 hours in the kitchen for this, to produce only a few plates' worth of food (half of which I froze). If it were to be prepared for a big crowd one would definitely need a lot of help, but I hope to be able to cook this for friends sometime. :)

Who knew rolling out dough was such a workout??? I've had a stiff/sore neck for a while now (damn computer, and damn not doing yoga for a while! I really need to get back to my workout schedule) but yesterday my whole upper back, chest, shoulders and neck were aching like crazy, I could barely move. All I could do was lie down (which is really not doing much of anything and makes me feel guilty). Today I am feeling much better, thanks to Advil liqui-gels and icy-hot patches. I'm not sure the rolling action was to blame for most of the pain though-I think I know the main culprit- it's the wet hair/AC combination. I kind of feel like I have a head cold, too. Sheesh, and it's so hot outside!

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