April 1, 2010

Bad timing

Tomorrow, M is not working...Had I known this last week, I wouldn't have arranged to take the TEFaQ test tomorrow instead of April 17th. I thought the sooner the better, and when they called last week and said there would be an extra test on the 2nd and asked if I wanted to take it then, I said yes, why not. Ugh, now they e-mail me the schedule and tell me that I'm taking the listening portion (which lasts 40 minutes) at 10:30 in the morning, and the speaking portion at 2:30 in the afternoon. Grrrr, talk about a whole day wasted...I don't know why I'm so upset, I guess it's just that I was hoping it would be over quickly, regardless of M's schedule. Now it's going to drag on the whole day, and although technically there's no pass or fail, it still makes me nervous that it's a "test". And now I have no clue what to do between those two tests, maybe M will come out and have lunch with me.


Nutty Philosopher said...

Hi there. I just came across your blog as I was searching for the "TEFAQ" exam. How did it go? Did they allow you to write your questions down before interacting with the examiner? I'm about to take the exam in 2 weeks.

Pinar said...

Hi! It went well. Well, for the "interaction" part...Maybe you know all this, but there are 2 parts for the interaction...For both, you pick one of two sheets they put in front of you face down. Then the examiner reads the question with you, and then they give you 10 minutes to prepare, and take notes. You take your notes on the question sheet, and then they take that sheet back from you, not sure if what you write down becomes a factor in their decision. The examiners were very friendly. Hope this helps!

Pinar said...

Ooops, reading what I wrote, I realized I should clarify something. :) They take the sheet back from you when the exam is over, so you get to keep it during the conversation.

Let me know if you have more questions...

Nutty Philosopher said...

Thanks so much Pinar. You've been more than helpful. I was just wondering because my pre-exam booklet didn't provide any info on taking notes during the oral exams. That makes me feel 2000 times better. I'm glad it went well for you. Can't wait to get it over and done with!!