May 14, 2010

A Quick Update

I didn't mean to be away from my blog this long...Things have happened within the last month that threw me completely off balance and caught me off guard. A month ago my dad had to have an emergency surgery...The c-word was uttered and some really scary moments were endured, but as of now, he's an official survivor. We're hoping for it to stay that way, although he'll need to be checked every 3 months to make sure there isn't anything else to worry about. It's a weird and scary thought, having to live with that frightening anticipation on a periodic basis, not just for him but for all of us. It's a hard spot to be in, but thankfully I have some wonderful people who saw me through it all and continue to be my support...I feel somewhat better now than I did a few weeks back.

Other news...And this is a good one---I finally have a job! And one that I could never dream of having. I'm starting to do research, in an area that I absolutely love, at the top-notch R1 university here. So that part of my life seems to have somewhat been figured out, and I actually feel much calmer. I am so grateful to the person who gave me the chance, as I know there was no way I could ever have made it into this institution...I know this because I tried before. So now the possibilities seem endless from here on, as I'll be working with people from the academia and industry at the same time. And it just feels really good to be able to say I have an affiliation, and one that people regard very highly. Such a wonderful change for me after all these months...

I once again realize how so many things can change in one's life so quickly and how we should never take anything for granted or fret anything all too freaking much. A part of me says "Well, if you want to have a good life and be happy, you need to plan ahead and know where you're headed...You should have goals and ideals in mind and strive for those ideals, because if you don't, then you have nothing to look forward to"...Another part of me is going "Everyday is a gift, don't plan far into the future, because anything could happen, just live your life and see where it takes you." I think the best approach is to find the middle road, not living just for the day recklessly, but not making plans five years into the future and stressing to achieve those, either...And that's the hard part, finding that perfect balance that gives you peace of mind, keeps you driven, and also happy.

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