October 15, 2010

Wow, I was doing so well for a while there writing, not every day maybe but regularly...Well, what's happened since May? I got a job...I can't believe it's been 6 months since I last wrote! That's half a year, I almost forgot I even had a blog (almost).

Well, nothing's new with me really, except that I have no time to myself at all let alone to sit and write. But I'll start trying again because I feel like it. There probably won't be long posts, but there will be posts. The only thing that's sort of exciting in my life right now is the new addition to our family...Ladies and gentlemen, I have the utmost pleasure of introduciiiiing...P, our cat!
P is like a big grey dust mop, and she's the friendliest cat I've seen in my life. She loves kneading the comforter, the living room sofa, the knitted blanket on the chair, me, M....Actually she's a bit obsessive compulsive about the kneading thing. It's like she cannot help it, when she jumps onto something soft it's automatic, which makes her funnier and cuter (in fact she's going at the blanket right now). We're still trying to figure out what kind of a house she was in before, she's crazy about yarn in a "I know what this is and I can chew the end off of it in seconds" kind of way, she knows when we're opening canned food for her, she knows to climb on our laps when we pat our legs, and she gives funny cat kisses on our noses (chins, cheeks, sometimes foreheads, where ever she can plant her sandpapery tongue really) . She's not scared of humans at all, and she's quite vocal. And her paws are beautifully shiny...Really, I've never seen hair that shines like that on a cat before, she's got satin paws (and she even lets us hold them)!

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