January 4, 2010

Back to reality...

The holidays are over. Somehow the Christmas carols they still play at our local grocery store don't sound that festive anymore. The beautiful white snow we've had over the past few days has turned into gray slush, the kind that somehow makes it into your living room on the 11th floor. It's almost as if the weather is playing along and reminding us "it's over, back to work now, you have a full year ahead of you and lots to accomplish, get on it!" Mariachi went to work this morning, and I woke up with a head cold from our trip to the "mountains". We had a blast, blog material for later probably.

It's only the 4th of January and I feel the sound in my head going "sheesh, is this going to be the year you get a job? Will you have those papers published, or what? Are you planning to send an e-mail to that someone you've been avoiding the past 3 months???Are you ready for the reply you'll get? That tummy flab won't go away on its own you know, and certainly by not eating a lot of comfort food. Hey, is that your kitchen pantry that's soooo disorganized? It could definitely use a little organizing, and don't even get me started on those wool sweaters that have been sitting in your hamper for the last 2 months because you have to hand-wash them. And what about that private French teacher that you were going to find? blah blah blah..."

Dammit me! Give me a break!

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