February 4, 2010

This one

I got together with my friend N. today for some quality girl time and wonderful tea at Camellia Sinensis. I met N. at my French classes here at the university, and it was so nice to see her again after 1.5 months. We really didn't practice our French that much, as we had a lot to talk about and only so much time. Talking in English was a lot easier and faster :) .

N. is a professional photographer, and hence she's "self-employed"...She's also Canadian so I got to pick her brain a little about setting up your own business here in Canada. She gave me a lot of good ideas about how to get started. The more I talk to people about my plans, the more encouraged I feel. I guess I am expecting people to reply back "Why, have you gone off your mind? That's ridiculous, what are you talking about?!?You cannot do that!" when I tell them about what I think will make me happy and what I want to pursue. But there hasn't been one person who said something even remotely negative (and that includes my dad!), so maybe I really am onto something good here and the whole environmental/eco-conscious market is just starting to pick up here, so it might just be the right time to get started. Only time will tell...

Anyway, N. said she wants to get back to doing something a little more "artistic" than what she's currently doing, so she asked me if sometime in a few weeks she could photograph me...I, of course, said yes, and I didn't forget to warn her I'm a terrible poser. But she said I just have to be "natural" so it won't be one of those fancy photo shoots with nice clothes and make-up, but something else, where I get to be just...me...at home. She said she would give me the ones that I like to keep. YAY! And she would I guess use some of them for her own portfolio. So that gives me something exciting to look forward to in a few weeks...

It's the little things like this, or running into M. at the grocery store at 5 pm on a weekday (because he decided to surprise me) that make me happy...My heart even did the whole "skip a beat" thing. I've been watching Sex and the City episodes again after a looong time, and have been thinking about what "the one", "soul mate", etc. etc. mean to me...I believe M. is all those things (and more) but I don't really care about "THE ONE", I am just glad that THIS ONE has picked me.


Doodles said...

a photographer...hmmm...you know there are direct flights from Montreal to Florida, right? ;)

"that one" is lucky to have you girl! ;)

comment #2...hadi bakiim!:)

Pinar said...

yes yesss I know there are flights :) but who'll pay for my (or his) ticket? :D And does he want to take my pictures? LOL

Thanks for the "that one" comment. (I know! Haha) ;)

I guess what I wanted to say is that there is no "only one" person who could be "the one", there could be a number of people we could hit it off with, it just depends on who cares for us and makes us feel the best in return...Don't know if this makes sense, but they sort of" pick us", too, right?...LOL