February 7, 2010

Vous désirez la perfection

This was what was in my fortune cookie last week at the Chinese restaurant...You desire perfection...Well yes I do thank you very much! That was hard to miss, what with all the complaining, the non-satisfaction, the procrastinating tendencies...What should have come out of that cookie is "Cut the crap, perfection is an illusion, you cannot have what doesn't exist, and if you continue down this path, be happy you will not" (imagine for a second that Yoda said that last part). Doesn't that sound more like a "fortune"? What I got was a "stating the obvious cookie". I wanted to see something like "Weather will be nice(ish) this week. Your lucky numbers are 06 13 37 55 93" or "You'll need to buy a new pair of socks. Your lucky numbers are 09 44 45 76 80" (there's no pattern to those numbers so don't look for one). My cookie was not perfect, it didn't even have my numbers! ;) I taped it onto my laptop nonetheless, but the tape job wasn't perfect so I was upset about that...for about 30 seconds. I didn't want to redo it because I know it will not be any better, so I'm still procrastinating on that.

Had a very nice weekend overall. Saturday night I went out for drinks with 2 girlfriends for about 2.5 hours, after which I met M. to go to Bistro à Jojo, a blues bar where a band we really like, Unkle Groove, was performing.

This band has only 3 people, a drummer who also does the lead vocals, a guitarist, and a bassist...They play what could be categorized as "classic rock" I guess, and they must love Pink Floyd, because they do some awesome covers. They are very good at what they do...

One of the greatest things about Montreal is that the whole music and arts scene here is very old, strong, and evolved, which gives it a very bohemian feeling while ensuring that you'll never be disappointed when you go out to listen to some live music. In one of my French classes, we had to find words for describing Montreal, and every single person in the classroom picked "artistic" as one word of choice. Others were "joie de vivre", cosmopolitan, unique, energetic, lively, dramatic, romantic, animated, free, beautiful, historical, European, delicious, and contradictory. I think those words sum up my feelings about this city completely and with accuracy.


Doodles said...

just like Norfolk...?!

Pinar said...

haha...ummm yes...sure...just like Norfolk!